Dr. med. Philipp-Alexander Neumann
Klinik und Poliklinik für Chirurgie
Klinikum rechts der Isar
TU München
We are interested in intestinal wound- and anastomotic healing
in inflammatory bowel disease. Our special interest lies in application of nanoparticle-based local and systemic treatment for induction of wound healing during intestinal inflammation.
Prof. Asma Nusrat and Charles Parkos
Department of Pathology
University of Michigan
Ass. Prof. Nazila Kamaly
Institute of Nanomedicine
TU Copenhagen
Neumann PA, Twardy V, Becker F, Geyer C, Schwegmann K, Mohr A, Faust A, Lenz
P, Rijcken E. Assessment of MMP-2/-9 expression by fluorescence endoscopy for
evaluation of anastomotic healing in a murine model of anastomotic leakage.
PLoS One. 2018
Quiros M*, Nishio H*, Neumann PA*, Siuda D, Brazil JC, Azcutia V, Hilgarth R,
O'Leary MN, Garcia-Hernandez V, Leoni G, Feng M, Bernal G, Williams H, Dedhia PH,
Gerner-Smidt C, Spence J, Parkos CA, Denning TL, Nusrat A. Macrophage-derived
IL-10 mediates mucosal repair by epithelial WISP-1 signaling.
J Clin Invest. 2017 *equal contribution
Leoni G*, Neumann PA*, Kamaly N*, Quiros M, Nishio H, Jones HR, Sumagin R,
Hilgarth RS, Alam A, Fredman G, Argyris I, Rijcken E, Kusters D, Reutelingsperger
C, Perretti M, Parkos CA, Farokhzad OC, Neish AS, Nusrat A. Annexin A1-containing
extracellular vesicles and polymeric nanoparticles promote epithelial wound repair.
J Clin Invest. 2015. *equal contribution
Neumann PA, Koch S, Hilgarth RS, Perez-Chanona E, Denning P, Jobin C, Nusrat
A. Gut commensal bacteria and regional Wnt gene expression in the proximal versus
distal colon.
Am J Pathol. 2014
Rijcken E, Sachs L, Fuchs T, Spiegel HU, Neumann PA. Growth factors and
gastrointestinal anastomotic healing.
J Surg Res. 2014
Leoni G, Alam A, Neumann PA, Lambeth JD, Cheng G, McCoy J, Hilgarth RS, Kundu
K, Murthy N, Kusters D, Reutelingsperger C, Perretti M, Parkos CA, Neish AS,
Nusrat A. Annexin A1, formyl peptide receptor, and NOX1 orchestrate epithelial
J Clin Invest. 2013